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The mission of Momentary Values is to inspire responsibility, understanding, and direction in our audience.

To achieve our mission, we create and provide stories that explore and apply these topics.

Our target audience wants to improve, explore, and examine themself and these areas. They are dreamers and doers passionate about life and willing to do things their own way when everybody else’s way doesn’t make sense to them.


A global community comprised of individuals with intentional and examined values.

Mission Core Assumptions

We believe that change in our universe, world, countries, institutions, companies, and communities begins with the individual. As a result, the individual is empowered to improve themself, inspire others, and lead by example. As individuals change, so follow our institutions and culture.

We believe improvement is a lifelong journey, not a goal to be achieved. Progress is how far we have come. That is to say, the best version of ourselves is in striving for better.


Timeless values guide us through a life where change is the only constant. Therefore, change requires us to evaluate these principles. As you change and the world changes, so too should your values.


Honesty and openness are central to everything we do. Candor allows evaluation, education, and improvement. Because integrity is core to trust, being truthful with ourselves, our audience, and others is crucial.


Independence requires self-care, without which responsibility for others is not possible. For example, if your pitcher is empty, pouring a glass for others is impossible. The relationship with others and the world reflects how we treat ourselves. Moreover, the relationship with oneself is present in every moment of life.


Relationships enrich life. Family, friends, strangers, our audience, and nature return magnitudes of investments in them. What is accomplished alone is imperceptible compared to achieved together.


Effort expended to achieve a purpose. It is clear the person in the arena is the one who creates results. Direction and advancement provide a foundation to persevere through challenges, provide enthusiasm for new solutions, and impact the world.

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